CSA begins on 6/8
CSA and Market OPEN Thu-Sat. Members and Market Cardholders can pickup shares and shop on Thu, Fri 10am-5pm and Sat 10am-2pm. U-Pick fields OPEN - strawberries (open to the public) AND raspberries (picking limited, members have priority until fields fill in more to allow us to open to the public).
The Harvest, available in our Market, 100% grown on our farm: Spinach; Lettuce mix; Arugula; Kale (tuscan and curly types); Radish; Salad Turnip (hakurei type); Garlic Scapes; Herbs. Also U-Pick strawberries and raspberries as listed above.
PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BAGS FOR YOUR PRODUCE AND CONTAINERS FOR U-PICK. We will have all produce labeled with what it is and how much you can take. Some items may be limited based on the weekly harvest, some crops are just coming in - please check the signs on the bins so that all members have the opportunity to choose from all crops and we do not run low on any.
Questions about how it works? Please refer to our FAQ’s listed on our CSA page. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Still have questions? Friendly farm staff will be on hand to help out and answer your questions in person.
MARKET CARD MEMBERS. Shop as usual for your produce and other items. Checkout at the main register; we will debit your account and issue you a receipt for keeping track of your balance. Physical cards are back ordered and will be issued the following week.
EXTRAS FOR SALE: Hammerbacher - assorted pickled vegetables (from our farm), pastry and breads, as available; Cheeses - Misty Meadow; Beef - Sicklers Farm; Chicken sausages, ground turkey and ravioli - Griggstown Farm; Pork - Pasture 13; Mushrooms - Faith Flower Farm; Eggs and Jams - local sources.
We appreciate everyone who signed up to be a member of our farm in advance of the growing season. Thank you for trusting us to grow your food. 100% of your CSA shares are grown (with love!) on this farm. We value your commitment to us and we thank you for your business. Looking forward to seeing our returning members and meeting new ones. See you on the farm!